23 comments on “[TYFTH001] Announcing TYFTH – In Praise of Shadows

  1. Ah, so this is the “upcoming change” that you were talking about a while back… Great news, mate. I’m very excited about this. 🙂

  2. Great news Jon! Loving Monochrome. Will we finally see the long-time-coming Plasmadancer track you’ve been working on for the last 5 years or so? 😀

  3. Yes!! So chuffed about this, fantastic news and I can’t wait to hear it. Great title too! How are you going to go about the invitations?

  4. This is fantastic news Jon, well done!! I think I speak for a few horsers when I say we have fallen out of love with Freeform over the last couple of years simply down to a lack of new and exciting dark material… This will certainly fill the void! 🙂

  5. Tip of the hat to everyone, thanks for the comments so far!

    Alderz is probably right that many of us are struggling to find newer tracks that really live up to previous years – and even if we do, they’re often hidden away inside releases that aren’t really catering to the deeper/darker crew. Hopefully this first release is a step towards rebalancing that 🙂

    It would be nice to spruce up the site as part of all this, but the help I was expecting with that won’t be happening after all, and so it has dropped down the priority list. There’ll obviously be an eventual place to purchase the CD, but more general community stuff (like a small forum) have been planned for an age and it’d be cool if they can coincide with the first release. I’ll let you know 🙂

    Chip – I actually have a couple of bits and pieces that are almost playable (heard that one before), but now with label shenanigans added to the to-do list they might not see a set for a while yet…

    evolutionize – I will 100% keep that in mind! This isn’t all about partying like it’s 2006 and forgetting about all the great artists we’ve had since FINRG slowed down. Keeping the spirit of older freeform alive, and inspiring younger artists to use it in their own way is a winning combo, I think.

    Mysterave – Thanks a lot! Full disclosure is that I’ve ‘borrowed’ it from an essay by Junichiro Tanizaki called In’ei Raisan, and translated as In Praise of Shadows. Think it fits the idea of the album pretty well, so hopefully I can get away with using it!

    As for the invitations, it was very hard – but having decided on that ‘mission statement’ I came up with a long list of people I thought could give it a good go and come up with something great. As it happens, everyone at the top of the list was totally up for it and got back to me right away, so there are still plenty of other artists that I’ve got in mind, if this first project goes without too many calamities 🙂

    I was thinking it might be nice to let you know what’s going on with the project over the next few weeks, so there’ll be a few updates on the state of the project here and there – I’ll be back to posting about other stuff once this week is over with, too. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions or good ideas, but for now it’s time for some social media announcements and then back to CODEX prep!

  6. Pearsall – Thanks, potential Rampage mix material aplenty, I hope!

    And Chip, good idea – I had the same thought, so Dave has already been going beyong the call of duty with advice so far 🙂

  7. This is very exciting news! I’m with alderz I haven’t really wanted to do much with freeform this year, good releases have been too few and too far between. I can’t wait to see what you rustle up Jon, keep us posted.

  8. This sounds very promising! I’ll be more than happy to contribute to the well-being of the label and buying… I don’t know, 3 copies of the first album could be a good start. 🙂

    I wish the best of luck to you in this project. It’s about time someone takes charge and pulls the deepest and most complex music of the genre to the fore.

  9. So this is what you’ve been up to…! A bit late to the party here, but these are some great news indeed, Jon.

    Knowing you there’s no way the track lineup will be anything but excellent. Really hoping to see another PlasmaDancer production on there as well. 😉

  10. Thanks a lot everyone! Feeling the pressure of expectations, but in a good way – the support so far is awesome, and I’ll be doing my best to make sure the album lives up to it 🙂

    eirik, sadly there won’t be a PD tune on there this time…might play one of my efforts at the next CODEX, but can’t imagine releasing anything for a long, long while yet!

  11. It’s been a while since I last time commented here, but now I have to, because you know, this is news, big news! 🙂

    I also have to agree with many others here. It kinda feels that after FINRG’s shift to being, as PD put it, a lower profile player in the game, there’s been kind of a diaspora in the scene and it has left a hole for a channel focusing on the “old sound” – and this is a great opportunity to fill it. I myself have not been in touch with the freeform scene much in the past years, but now I think there probably is a good reason to.

    Also, I have to mention that I’m not entirely surprised by this. Not trying to be a lame-ass by saying “oh I saw this coming”, but I remember that some years ago I had thought myself that “what it would be like if TYFTH were a label” 😀 And I think it’s just logical, you have well established name in the scene and now that there is a demand I think this is a great move indeed! And I really can’t come up with a better name for a freeform label than TYFTH 😛

    So congrats and keep up the good work Jon!

  12. Thanks guys, and sorry about the belated response. It’s especially good to hear from you Jiipez, another good sign that it’s caught your interest 🙂

    That was my thinking too, the time really does seem right, and the response from the artists and you fine folk shows that my confidence in the TYFTH ‘name’ these days wasn’t misplaced. Not going to magically transform the scene with a single release (though it has happened in the past…), but it’s pretty darn close to a dream first step. Let’s see how it goes..

    Oh and you’re spot on re. the freeform diaspora these days – it’d be great to see the Freeform Forum gather that up, but in the meantime I’m seriously thinking about a small forum for the Horsers to make a bit more of a community.

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