The original version of this post was lost to the ether during TYFTH’s recent troubles, so let’s have another try at recommending Shimo’s excellent streamed set from last year. What this one lacks in studio set precision it more than makes up for with live energy, helped by that always top-level Shimo track selection.
That’s not to say there aren’t some very classy transitions – Japanese Ghost Train into Nightmare Freak 2009 is my favourite, but watch out for Take Off into Weather & Escape for an example of how to switch between two quite different tracks. This being Shimo, you can also expect to hear plenty of rarities and unusual tunes, with highlights here ranging from Labyrinth of mind to Desert Eagle.
The set’s progression is its strongest point as it moves from aggressive filters into more uplifting territory. In the orginal version of this post I rather laboured the point that this set wouldn’t have sounded out of place at NRGetic Romancer, but it’s true – there was an uplifting side to the event that especially showed itself during Full Circle and Guld sets. Here Shimo takes it a step further with the selection of Heavenly Beatz, a track I like a lot but definitely crosses the line for Romancer. Rather than flying off into happy hardcore territory, though, the set deserves a respectful nod for taking things in a very original light-and-dark direction for the final three tracks.
Highly recommended, then, for its constant energy and very original tracklist. Don’t forget that Shimo is still playing sets of this quality every week (including plenty of freeform) on her twitch channel.